" She taught me how to be a compassionate person who gives back."

-Melissa Ardon '95, Red Tie

Sr. Mo wrapped her arms around me when I first came to SMA. She let me know she was praying for me and my family. She saw me and for that I am extremely grateful. When I see her interacting with the students, it is clear that she knows that the next generation will need more than intelligence. They will need to have a heart of service. She embodies that heart of service and models it for the students in every interaction she has with them. - Dr. OL
"Oh Sister Mo!!! She was always so nice and I have kept in touch with her throughout the years. She was one of the most inspiring teachers I had. She saw something in me. Thank you sister Maureen for your 60 years of dedication to the Sisters of St. Joseph." - Brenda Hernandez '01, Green Tie